We will process your personal data in the manner described below; your personal data will be recorded, stored, updated in compliance with the law and principles of honesty, may be disclosed to third parties when permitted by legislation of Kyrgyz Republic. 

1. Purpose of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data in the identity and communication categories, collected as a result of your registration on our website ("https://liliafisher.com") such as name, surname, email, address, and phone information is processed by the fundamental principles stipulated by the Law to benefit from our services within the scope of our e-commerce activities, maintaining the membership relationship, offering special campaigns to members, conducting marketing activities by commercial electronic communication, customization, presentation, and promotion of products and services according to your needs and shopping habits, product delivery, follow-up of customer satisfaction transactions, planning and execution of processes for establishing and increasing loyalty to products or services and follow-up and analysis of business development projects to be carried out in this field.

2. Method and Legal Basis for Collecting Your Personal Data

Personal data (identity and contact information) collected for website membership are collected when the person concerned fills in the membership form on the website.

We would like to emphasize that your data is meticulously protected by our Company and thank you for the trust that you place in us.